مسابقات رمضانية سؤال وجواب 2022 جاهزة للاطفال والكبار

مسابقات رمضانية سؤال وجواب 2022 جاهزة للاطفال والكبار , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.

Ramadan competitions Q&A 2022 ready for children and adults is one of what Muslims look for most in Ramadan. Ramadan and its answers 2022, and we present a set of Islamic questions for adults and children with an explanation of their answers.

Ramadan competitions Q&A 2022

Ramadan competitions are one of the important matters that help enrich the Muslim’s religious culture, and increase his knowledge of a lot of information about the faith, the predecessors, jurisprudence and other matters that it is important for the Muslim to be familiar with, and the following we learn about Ramadan competitions with a statement of their answers:

  • Question: Who laid the bases of the Kaaba in the Sacred House? Answer: angels.
  • Question: Who was the first to set the rules in the provisions of the Qur’an? Answer: Imam al-Shafi’i, may God have mercy on him.
  • Question: Who is the first ambassador in Islam? Answer: Musab Ibn Omair, may God be pleased with him, when the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, sent him to Medina.
  • Question: On what religion was the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, worshiped before the mission? Answer: On the religion of Abraham, peace be upon him, Hanifism.
  • Question: Who is the trustee of the nation? Answer: He is Abu Ubaidah Ibn Al-Jarrah, may God be pleased with him.
  • Question: Who is Pharaoh’s wife? Answer: She is Mrs. Asiyah bint Muzahim.
  • Question: What is the surah in the Noble Qur’an that has two prostrations? Answer: Surah As-Sajdah.
  • Question: What is the ruling on someone who eats or drinks during the day in Ramadan out of forgetfulness? Answer: His fast is valid, and he withholds the rest of the day, and he does not have to atone.
  • Question: “What is the greatest atonement?” Answer: The expiation for intercourse during the day in Ramadan is fasting for two consecutive months.

Ramadan questions for children and their answers

Ramadan competition questions for groups 1443

Ramadan questions vary between questions about faith, questions in jurisprudence, or questions about the history of Islam and the Companions. Below we present a set of questions for Ramadan competitions that are suitable for groups and social media:

  • Question: Did Muslims fast in Mecca before the migration? The answer: No. Fasting Ramadan was after the migration to Medina.
  • Question: In which year was fasting imposed on Muslims? Answer: In the second year of the Prophet’s migration.
  • Question: What is the name of the house in which the people of Quraysh used to gather in Mecca before Islam? Answer: The seminar.
  • Question: What is the ruling on the one who calls for dawn and has some water in his mouth? Answer: He swallows it and begins his fast.
  • Question: Who is the friend of the nation? Answer: He is Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq, may God be pleased with him.
  • Question: Who is the most knowledgeable of the nation about what is permissible and what is forbidden? Answer: He is Muadh Ibn Jabal, may God be pleased with him.
  • Question: Who are the owners of the four schools of jurisprudence? Answer: Abu Hanifa, Malik, Shafi’i and Ahmad Ibn Hanbal.
  • Question: Who was the first person to be named after Ahmad? Answer: He is the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace.
  • Question: Who are the male children of Fatima? Answer: Al-Hassan, Al-Hussain and Muhsin, and he died young.
  • Question: Where did the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, descend in his first introduction to Medina? Answer: It was lodged in the house of Abu Ayyub al-Ansari, may God be pleased with him.

Ramadan competition questions for children 2022

Ramadan competitions and questions are an opportunity to teach children a lot about their religion and introduce them to the history of their honorable ancestors and the provisions of religion and belief.

Question: Who is the father of humans? Answer: He is Adam, peace be upon him.

  • Question: Who is the grandfather of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace? Answer: He is Abdul Muttalib bin Hashim.
  • Question: Who were the first women among the women who believed in the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace? Answer: Khadija bint Khuwaylid, the wife of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace.
  • Question: Who were the first men to believe in the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace? Answer: Abu Bakr as-Siddiq, may God be pleased with him.
  • Question: What surah is recited in every prayer? Answer: Al-Fatiha.
  • Question: What is the certificate with which a person enters Islam? Answer: A testimony that there is no god but God and that Muhammad is the Messenger of God.
  • Question: What are the divisions of monotheism? The answer: Oneness of Lordship, Oneness of Divinity, Oneness of Names and Attributes.
  • Question: Where is God? The answer: God Almighty is flat above his width, distinct from His creation, His knowledge encompasses everything.
  • Question: What is the surah equivalent to a third of the Qur’an? Answer: Surah Al-Ikhlas.
  • Question: Where does the one who wants to perform Hajj go? Answer: To Mecca.
  • Question: How many prayers per day and night? Answer: Five daily prayers: Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha.

Ramadan Fawazeer Questions and Answers

Ramadan competition questions for adults with the answer 2022

It is not only the young who benefit from Ramadan competitions and the information they contain, but many Ramadan competitions are organized for adults, and the following is a set of Ramadan competition questions for adults:

  • Question: Who will be the first to wake up from the blow of lightning on the Day of Resurrection? Answer: The Messenger of God, peace be upon him.
  • Question: What is Sidrat Al-Muntaha? The answer: It is a tree whose bone only God knows. The Messenger of God saw it on the night of the Isra’ and Mi’raj while it was above the seventh heaven.
  • Question: Who is the first prince in Islam? Answer: He is Abdullah bin Jahsh, may God be pleased with him.
  • Question: Who is the first to introduce idolatry to the Arabian Peninsula? Answer: Omar bin Luhi.
  • Question: Who is the owner of the answered supplication? Answer: Saad bin Abi Waqqas, may God be pleased with him.
  • Question: How long is the Day of Resurrection? Answer: fifty thousand years.
  • Question: How is hell brought to the land of the gathering? Answer: It comes with it and it has seventy thousand reins, and each rein with seventy thousand angels.
  • Question: Who was the first Muslim leader who rode the sea? Answer: Muawiyah bin Abi Sufyan.
  • Question: Who is the wife of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, whom he married while she was a virgin? Answer: Aisha bint Abi Bakr, may God be pleased with her.
  • Question: Who is the first judge in Basra? Answer: Abu Maryam al-Hanafi.
  • Question: Who was the first to draw a sword in the path of God? Answer: Zubair bin Al-Awwam.

Difficult Ramadan competition questions and their answers

Difficult questions increase the strength of competition between contestants, and during Ramadan, competitions can be organized that ignite enthusiasm among the participants because of the difficulty of their questions. Here we learn about a group of difficult questions in Ramadan:

  • Question: What is the mosque in which Ali Ibn Abi Talib, may God be pleased with him, was killed? Answer: Kufa mosque at dawn prayer.
  • Question: Who killed Omar Ibn Al-Khattab? Answer: Abu Lulu’ al-Majusi.
  • Question: How many messengers were mentioned by God in the Noble Qur’an? Answer: Twenty-five prophets.
  • Question: Who is the fifth Rashidun Caliphs? Answer: Omar bin Abdul Aziz.
  • Question: Who was the first to put the compulsory conscription in Islam? Answer: Al-Hajjaj bin Yusuf Al-Thaqafi when he was the governor of Iraq.
  • Question: Who of the Companions about whom the Messenger said that he was given a psalm from the Psalms of the family of David? Answer: He is Abu Musa Al-Ash’ari, may God be pleased with him.
  • Question: Who was the prophet who wished for death? Answer: Joseph, peace be upon him.
  • Question: Who was the first to develop the science of grammar? The answer: Ali bin Abi Talib when he dictated it to Abu Al-Aswad Al-Du’ali.
  • Question: Who assumed his old age in the Ifk incident? Answer: The chief hypocrite Abdullah bin Abi bin Salul.
  • Question: Who is the Jewish poet whom the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, ordered to kill? Answer: He is Kaab bin Al-Ashraf.
  • Question: Who was the first to gather people to pray Tarawih in the mosque? Answer: Omar Ibn Al-Khattab, may God be pleased with him.

Ramadan Quranic competition questions and their answer 2022

Below we present a set of Ramadan competition questions related to the Noble Qur’an:

  • Question: What is the surah in which the name of God is mentioned in every verse? Answer: arguing.
  • Question: What is the longest surah in the Holy Quran? Answer: Surah Al-Baqarah.
  • Question: What is the shortest surah in the Qur’an? Answer: Al-Kawthar.
  • Question: What is the longest verse in the Holy Quran? Answer: The verse of religion in Surat Al-Baqarah.
  • Question: Who was the first to collect the Noble Qur’an? Answer: Abu Bakr as-Siddiq, may God be pleased with him.
  • Question: What is the surah in which the pomegranate fruit is mentioned twice? Answer: Surat Al-An’am.
  • Question: What is the surah that begins with a surah? The answer: Surah Al-Noor.
  • Question: What is the surah that begins with two fruits? Answer: Surah Al-Tin.

Ramadan competitions ready for printing 2022

Many Muslims are interested in preparing questions for Ramadan competitions, which give the holy month a beautiful character and rituals of spirituality and faith. Below we present a set of Ramadan questions that are suitable for competitions, ready for printing:

  • Question: Who was the first to be called the Commander of the Faithful? Answer: Omar Ibn Al-Khattab, may God be pleased with him.
  • Question: Who are the best of the nation after the Messenger of God, peace be upon him? The answer: Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq, then Omar bin Al-Khattab, then Othman bin Affan, then Ali bin Abi Talib.
  • Question: Why was Uthman bin Affan called Dhul-Nourain? Answer: Because he married two of the daughters of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace.
  • Question: When did Ruqayya, the daughter of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, die? Answer: After the return of the Messenger of God from the Battle of Badr.
  • Question: What is the surah in the Qur’an that ends with the name of two prophets? Answer: Surah Al-A’la.
  • Question: Who was the first caliph to strike the coin? Answer: Abdul Malik bin Marwan.
  • Question: Who was the first to speak classical Arabic? Answer: Ishmael, peace be upon him.

Various religious Ramadan questions

Ramadan competition ideas for adults

There are a number of competition ideas that can be organized among adults in Ramadan, and among these ideas are the following:

  • The competition of arranging the supplications according to the alphabet, and the winner is the fastest one in arranging the remembrances.
  • The game of intensity, which depends on the presence of two teams on both ends of a rope and pull each end on its side, and the winner is the one who attracts the other party.
  • Hanging a set of questions on the walls of the house, and every day a family member draws one piece of paper, answers the question, and has a prize.

Ramadan competition ideas for kids

One of the entertaining things that children love very much during Ramadan is organizing a number of fun games and competitions in Ramadan, which attract children and increase their connection with the month of Ramadan. Here are the ideas of Ramadan competitions for youngsters:

  • Placing prizes and gifts for children for those who keep all the prayers in the mosque.
  • Organizing a session after the prayer in the mosque and asking questions to the children, and whoever answers them is awarded a prize.
  • Involve children in distributing food to the poor during Ramadan and urge them to participate in it.
  • The game of chairs, in which a group of chairs is placed less than the number of children in one chair, and the counting takes place and the children go around the chairs, and when they stop counting, each child sits on a chair, and whoever does not find a chair to sit is excluded, and a chair is removed the second time, and so on.

We presented a set of Ramadan competition questions Q&A 2022 ready for children and adults, and we presented religious and cultural questions in Ramadan, we also presented difficult questions suitable for competitions in Ramadan, and beautiful competition ideas for adults and children in the holy month.

خاتمة لموضوعنا مسابقات رمضانية سؤال وجواب 2022 جاهزة للاطفال والكبار ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.

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