اشكال خرائط مفاهيم حلوه 2022

اشكال خرائط مفاهيم حلوه 2022 , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.

Concept maps are cute shapes to grab students’ attention and provide them with the data needed to understand issues, and make small details in projects more visible through a greater understanding of the main picture. Concept maps are mainly used for data analysis, comparisons, and contrasts. The reference site will shed light on the shapes of sweet concept maps, and other information about the concept map.

Define concept map

They are visual representations of data and information, starting with a comprehensive concept and then breaking it down into its smaller parts using arrows and connecting words to show how the ideas are related. Concept maps are widely used in education and are useful in any field by stimulating creative thinking. The concept map helps you gain a better understanding of complex topics, see the big picture and discover new connections through a collaborative and visual approach. It must be noted that the use of the mind map has a role in activating the logical thinking skill and intelligence among students and learners, especially when applying this strategy in the first basic education stages in schools.[1]

How do I make a concept map on mobile?

Steps to draw a concept map

Concept mapping helps analyze the idea or problem, and then work on solving it. Here are simple steps to draw a concept map:

Determine the method of drawing

Many people use pen and paper or a whiteboard because they are always available, but it’s not easy to save drawings to a whiteboard or make your handwritten diagram look professional when you’re finished. So it is best to choose a suitable program on the computer to draw the diagram you want, and then edit and save it for easy access when needed using any device connected to the Internet.

Define the main concept

After choosing the medium in which we will map the concepts, the next step is to define the central idea that we want to detail. This is done by identifying a part of the text or a difficult problem that needs to be solved. It is best to come up with a single question called the focus question, which clearly defines the problem that the concept map will help solve. A concept map will lead to this question and its answer.

Define key concepts

After defining the main concept, the next step is to write the secondary concepts. We make a list of related ideas and arrange them from general to specific. This list should consist of about 15-25 main concepts. We classify each concept as briefly as possible, and suffice with one or two words for each idea.

Organizing shapes and lines

We arrange each of the concepts in a hierarchical format, with the most general ideas at the top of the map below your main concept and the most specific at the bottom. As you connect shapes to lines, the concept map will take on a specific shape.

Concept maps usually contain text, or anchor words, written on each line to understand the relationship between a general concept and a more specific concept. The text may include a specific verb such as ‘provide’ or ‘include’. When creating this initial concept map that contains the primary links, we add cross-links to illustrate relationships between concepts that are at the same level of specificity.

Setting concept map

When adding links to each concept, be sure to carefully examine the relationships you are explaining. We make sure of all of the following:

  • Each item fits nicely in its own space.
  • Every idea is put in its rightful place.
  • Possibility of using a more precise linking word to represent the relationship between the elements.

Blank concept map ready to write on 2021

Sweet concept maps shapes 2022

A concept map is not limited to one form, but there are many forms that differ according to the nature of the topic being discussed, and there are eight basic types of concept maps, which are: [2]

Spider Concept Map

It is the simplest type of concept map, and it is easy to create and read. It has the advantage that all the information is interconnected around one topic. But the disadvantage of this figure is that the relationship between the concepts is difficult to explain without making the structure disorganized, and thus becomes difficult to read, which is the main reason about the incompleteness of the information it refers to.

hierarchical or chronological map

In this type of mind map, the basic information is determined and placed at the front of the pyramid, and then the ideas are divided according to their importance, starting from the top of the pyramid. The disadvantage of this type of mind map is the loss of the ability to link information with each other.

Methodological Concept Map

It is easy to read the information recorded inside this map in one direction, which facilitates the process of learning and understanding, and this form is characterized by being organized and tidy. In addition, this map allows the use of logical thinking.

One of the disadvantages of the systematic form is that it does not allow for a multiplicity of information, which makes it incomplete. It takes a lot of time to complete its construction.

Multidimensional concept map

A mind map that is a multidimensional map has the same look and structure as an org chart. That is, it is an org chart that has been organized into a complex picture in the form of dimensions, which makes it add a touch of liveliness and beauty to the chart.

Hypermedia Concept Map

It is in the form of a tree with branches and branches, so its user can add many complex information, so it was called by that name. It is a form of concept maps distinctive shape.

Organizational Structure Concept Map

It is easy to write information and its flow within the organizational structure, and it has the advantage that the information is organized and logical, but its disadvantage is that it cannot be used in critical thinking.

Concept map (mandalas)

This map is created on the computer in order to add visual effects to it. In this type of mind map, the relationship between the basic concepts is clarified in the form of geometric graphics.

How to design a sweet blank concept map on the computer

It is easy to design a blank concept map on your computer, by following these steps:

  • Install the appropriate Microsoft Office suite of computer operating system.
  • Open a new Microsoft Word document.
  • Click on the Insert menu.
  • And then click on the Smart Art icon.
  • Choosing the appropriate map shape from the types and models of ready-made charts contained within the file.
  • Finally, we go into the map’s layout settings to choose the colors and size we want. The following image illustrates this.

Fancy concept map for kids

Focusing and attracting the child’s attention is one of the most difficult tasks for the teacher, and it is also necessary to simplify and communicate the information to the child easily. Of course, the map of concepts will attract the child and draw his attention to the content of the scientific material, especially if it includes beautiful colors, cartoon characters, etc. For children, the following:

Best concept mapping software

We mentioned earlier that concept maps help students retrieve information they have previously recalled faster. In the following paragraph, we will discuss the best programs for designing concept maps, whether on mobile or on a computer:

Best mobile concept mapping software

We will list the five best programs for designing a concept map that supports better planning, so that you have a good memory and the ability to focus and work effectively. It is also very easy to download it to the mobile device, namely:

  • Text 2 Mind Map: Text 2 Mind Map is the easiest and simplest mind mapping app ever. It converts any text you enter into a mind map directly with one click and without even using the mouse. Each line is an element and to create a sub element you can press the Tab button and at the end you can get the mind map and download it as a PDF or as an image file. What is unique about the Text 2 Mind Map application is that it is online and does not require downloading or registration and can be used through desktop or laptop devices. As for the drawbacks of the application: it is so simple that the user cannot add hyperlinks, images, or even icons.
  • Free Mind: Free Mind is a free and open source mind mapping program, characterized by the ability to display or collapse sub-elements, and images, icons and links can be inserted into the drawn mind maps. It is a stand-alone program and ready-to-use mind maps can be imported through the program The program works with Windows, Mac and Linux systems. To download the application, click here.
  • Xmind: is a mind mapping application and exchange of ideas, and provides a rich set of different types of mind maps, and allows the exchange and design of mind maps through its website. The application is available in an open source and commercial version. Xmind works with Mac OS, Windows, and Linux. To download the application, click here.
  • MindMeister: The pioneer of web mapping. Unlike traditional mind mapping tools, it also allows real-time brainstorming sessions between an unlimited number of users and requires a standard web browser. It allows exporting mind maps to various formats such as MS Word, PowerPoint, PDF and PNG. Users can also convert mind maps into a slide show system within seconds, and present them on a large screen or broadcast. The application can be used online or by downloading the “from here” application.
  • draw.io web app: The best web app for drawing diagrams in general, as well as mind maps and hyperlinks. It is characterized by ease of use, tools and multiple forms that it contains. It is a completely free application and does not require registration. It also partially supports Arabic and supports importing and exporting files with popular cloud storage sites such as Google Drive, Dropbox and oneDrive. To download the application, click here.

Best concept mapping software for PC

Mind mapping software helps companies save their valuable time. Any concept mapping software helps them visualize complex business situations in a simple way. The following is a list of the five best design software for computers, which are:

  • MindMaple is a program that is characterized by its light capacity, beautiful interface and simple use, and despite its simplicity, it has many features, which are enough to help you create a standard mind map. The application supports inserting text, images, clip art, links, stickers, etc. When you’re done designing, you can convert the newly created layout to HTML, TXT, PPT, JPG, DOC, PNG, XLS, BMP, GIF, or TIF. To download the program, click here.
  • Mindmap: Best suited for those who have just started using a computer, the tools on Blumind are so simple that users can save a lot of time, and the interface is designed to grab the user’s attention. Also, the user only needs to spend 5 to 10 minutes to be able to master the program. It allows you to export the file to popular image formats such as PNG, JPG, and JPEG.
  • Edraw Mindmap: is a very popular mind mapping software that comes with a nice interface and a very powerful set of tools, and caters to all the needs of the users, such as creating tables, drawing lines, comment cells, explanation boxes, and comment cells. It is used free of charge for users.
  • Open Mind: is a free mind mapping software application with a sophisticated design that helps to create an elegant and professional mind map, supporting various features such as built-in effects, easy drawing guide, themes, styles and many other extended functions, which are easy to use. It also contains everything you require to describe your thoughts or perceptions in a visual form. You can create notes and use them for work or for any personal purpose.
  • LibreOffice application: It is a subset of the LibreOffice software suite, and many different versions, large and small, have been released, focusing primarily on improving the user interface and available tools. And in the latest LibreOffice update, there are plenty of options for users to unleash their creativity. Also, LibreOffice is currently used a lot in companies and meetings.

Benefits of making concept map templates

The use of empty concept map templates in learning brings a lot of benefit, whether for the teacher or the learner. We mention among these benefits:

  • It helps the learner to share his ideas and exchange them with others on a topic, and helps him to come up with new and modern ideas.
  • It helps in making decisions easily and smoothly because the maps are visual in nature. The results can be seen easily and thus the decision-making process is easy and far from complications.
  • The learner can assist with the presentations if he is assigned to give one. When creating a presentation, the learner will get all the information and format it in a clear and organized way, making it more user-friendly.
  • It encourages learners to conduct research to be able to discover new concepts and facts and then link them to each other.

Contents of the teacher’s achievement file with pictures

Pdf file with sample images of a blank concept map

Given the usefulness and importance of concept maps and mind maps for students and teachers, we have attached a PDF file that contains images of concept maps that help the teacher to summarize the lesson by relying on the most important ideas in it. It also helps him to assess the learners’ thinking, analysis and linking skills with complete ease. To view the file, click here.

Finally, and by reaching the end of our article today, we have discussed the meaning and concept of a concept map, its importance and types, and how it can be created in a simple and correct way, with the presentation of sweet concept maps, in addition to attractive concept maps for children.

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